However, believe it or not, we work hard on this blog and don’t take kindly to it when people steal our stuff.
In October of 2008, a post appeared here called “Top 10 Bullshit Professions”. It was a semi-hilarious romp through the world of dubious occupations. It has proven to be one of our most popular posts.
Imagine our surprise recently when we came across a post on a blog called Innovation Playground dated March 17, 2009 entitled: "What's The Value Of Bullshit? What Are The Top Bullshit Professions?"
Reading through it, we couldn't help but notice some astounding similarities to our post of 5 months earlier:
Me: "...I used only one criterion in creating the list: Do they really know anything or are they just making shit up"Here's a lesson for you, pal. It's a small web after all.
Him: "The criterion in creating the list are based on: 1/ Do they really know anything?... 3/ Do they just making shit up?"
Me: "The Ad Contrarian Top 10 Bullshit Professions"
Him: "My view of the top 10 bullshit professions"
Me: "Financial Advisors: Monkeys throwing darts."
Him: "Investment Managers… Monkeys throwing darts…"
Me: "Career Counselors: If they knew anything they'd find themselves better jobs."
Him: "Organizational Change Consultants: If they knew anything they'd transformed themselves first."
Me: "Branding Consultants: Why didn't I think of this scam?"
Him: "Motivational Gurus: Why didn't I think of this scam?"
Me: "Psychotherapists: Practitioners of the world's most advanced form of pseudoscience".
Him: "Psychotherapists: ...practitioners of the world's most advanced form of pseudoscience."
Bloggers: Has this happened to you? What have you done about it?
The Brilliant Oscar Levant...
is the author of the quote that entitles this post.
Slime Ball Update:
As of 8:20 am PDT, this "Innovation Playground" creep has taken all the negative comments he received this morning off his website and closed it to comments.