May 29, 2009

Honor Roll

I don't have a blog roll. Something about them creeps me out (although if you have a blog roll with TAC on it, there is absolutely nothing creepy about that.)

So every few months or so I like to acknowledge the brilliant and charming bloggers who have mentioned or linked to TAC in their blogs.

The TAC Honor Roll for April and May:

AdChick; AdClubReject; The Ad-Pit; AdPulp; Advance; Amarach Research Blog; aSourceOfInspiration; Attract More Customers; BabyBoomerMarketingBlog; Cheshire Cat; ClickZ; Community Marketing Blog; Dave Trott; David Kamerer's Spoonful; The Denver Egoist; drawohara; The Engagement Principles; Laughter Is The Best Medicine; Living Brands; MakeThe LogoBigger; Marblehead Blog; Mason Zimbler; Maximum Customer Experience; MineGoesToEleven; Only Dead Fish; Osmosis; OutsideInside; pauldervan; RetailSmart; Scamp; Scott Ellington's Blog; Sell Sell; Semantic Argument; SomethingChanged; Snamo; Spin City; Shiner.Clay; Tanya Holbrook; Tim's Blog

Please patronize our supporters.

If I missed you, please let me know.

To those bloggers I missed: Thanks for alerting me. I'll be posting your links soon.