May 13, 2009

They're Old. They're Dead. They're Back.

In October of 2008, in a post called "The Web: TV With Its Hat On Backwards" about making the web a more effective advertising medium, I said:
"I'm starting to get the feeling that the web's killer app is television."
Well, it's not that far-fetched.

According to an article in MediaWeek, called "Web to Soon See :30s",
"David Payne wants to radically alter what online ads look like...
And guess what they're going to look like?
"This summer, Payne’s company ShortTail Media will initiate a beta test of what it’s calling the Digital 30 (D30), a full-screen, deliberately intrusive placement built to showcase traditional 15- and 30-second TV spots."
In other words, those things the digerati keep telling us are dead -- 30-second spots -- are all of a sudden new again.

TAC predicts this will fail unless it's tied to unique and compelling content.

What online media zealots and brain-dead "conversationalists" still don't understand is that nobody will ever volunteer to watch advertising (more about this in an upcoming post.)

The only way to get people to watch online :30's is to force them to. You wanna see my content? You gotta watch my spots.

Just like tv does.

Big thanks to Randy Shiozaki for this.

Hypocrisy Update...
I've tried Twitter a couple of times and thought it was useless and pathetic. However, I am often reminded by my readers that I am a narrow-minded, reactionary, old ferret. Consequently, I am going to suffer for my art and re-establish my Twitter account for a while. You can find me here.

Not Everyone At My Agency Is An Opinionated, Narrow-Minded, Old Ferret Like Me...
Some are actually thoughtful, moderate, and reasonable.