When Richard Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford chose Nelson Rockefeller to be his vice president. Asked how he felt about the vice presidency, Rockefeller said, "I never wanted to be vice president of anything."
This is kinda how I feel today. My semi-brilliant book, 101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising, has been top-of-the-ad-charts at Amazon for about 9 months. Now it's #2. This has caused deep psychological damage and quite a few beheadings around Ad Contrarian world headquarters. How can you help, you ask? Buy the damn thing.
Blaming The Victims
A few days ago I wrote that millennials were "nasty little bed-wetters with no money." And some other disagreeable things. The point was that marketers' obsession with millennials is way out of proportion.
While I believe marketers' mania for millennials is misguided, the post in question was written as comedy as much as commentary. Having a 23-year old daughter of my own, I am very conscious of the economic problems these young people are facing.
Nonetheless, my experience is that a lot of 'em need a kick in the ass.
Why I'll Never Be Rich
Facebook's stock price just keeps going up. Another reason to never listen to the financial advice of an ad blogger.
Age And Technology
Two of every three hybrid cars sold last year were sold to people over fifty. 72% of Hyundai Sonata hybrids were sold to people over 50; 69% for Honda Civic; 66% for Toyota Prius; 68% for Ford Fusion.
The Swindle Goes On
We did several posts last year about the enormous amount of money that's been stolen from advertisers by online ad fraud. Apparently it's getting worse. According to a piece on MediaPost, a study by Solve Media concludes that advertisers are expecting to lose $11.6 billion this year to crooked online ad practices. That's up 22% from last year.