Here at The Ad Contrarian World Headquarters we are trying to do everything possible to re-establish the idea that ads should be interesting.
Our thinking is that maybe if we make ads interesting we can get all the data monkeys to shut up for a few minutes.
In order to inspire creative people to do better, here are 10 TV spots that we've all seen a thousand times and we really don't need to see again in 2014.
If you can resist the urge to re-make these spots this year you will make yourself a better creative person and keep us TV viewers from killing ourselves.
Thanks in advance.
10 TV Spots We Don't Need To See In 2014
1. The two-white-guys-and-one-black-guy-go-to-a-bar spot.
2. The automotive sales event spot that makes fun of automotive sales event spots.
3. The soda spot where multi-ethnic people from all over the world jump around while a pop star sings.
4. The spot about how I have to plan now for my retirement.
5. The spot in which two famous athletes compete by doing something stupid.
6. The spot where a precocious 9-year-old helps out her clueless dad.
7. The girls-night-out spot.
8. The spot about how I can bank from anywhere using my cell phone.
9. The spot where the titles move around in all directions and give me a fucking headache.
10. The spot in which people of all sizes and colors repeat each other's words and finish each other's sentences.Every one of these spots sucks. They suck now, and they sucked 30 years ago when they were invented.
Please help us all out by taking a vow not to make any of these spots again in 2014.