February 03, 2014

The End Of The $4,000,000 Spot?

And what a super bowl-full it was.

It had everything. Bad playing, bad ads, enormous wastage of money on celebrity cretins, Joe Namath's coat...

And then to top it off, the dumbest line of copy in Super Bowl history: "There's nothing more American than America."

The extent of this mess could mark the end of the $4 million dollar spot. Only kidding. Dumb advertisers will always need stuff to put on YouTube

Some random thoughts on the Super Bowl ads:
Doritos "Finger Cleaner": One of the funniest spots ever made for the Super Bowl didn't run. Someone must have gotten cold feet. Here it is:
Budweiser: Puppy dogs? Give me a fucking break. As usual, this will be the USA Today poll winner.

Audi "Doberhuahua": More goddam dogs. This is another one that should score big with the public. People will remember everything but the advertiser.

SodaStream: Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn.

Noah: Trailer looked like SNL spoof.

T-Mobile "Tebow": Buried the lead under mountains of "creativity." Their all-type spot at the end way more effective.

Cheerios: Perfect performance by that little girl, and very sweet.

Jaguar: There's always a big, dumb helicopter spot. This was it.

GoDaddy "Body Builders": Yuk. Bring back the sluts (but great music by Joel & Co.)

Hyundai "Dad's 6th Sense": Might actually move some metal.
Hyundai Elantra: WTF was this thing about?
Chobani: More stupid animals tricks.

Wonderful Pistachios: Not wonderful. Colbert act getting tired.

Heinz "Hum": Dum
Bud Light "Screw On Cap": See, America can still innovate. Which reminds me...
Chrysler: What can I say. Bob Dylan speaks the dumbest copy line ever written and wears make-up. We all become what we make fun of.
Axe: Peace? Give me a fucking... wait, did I say that already?.
This whole miserable thing makes you wonder if the banner ad crowd are now allowed to play with storyboards.