February 11, 2010

Yes, Someone Is Hiring

I rarely mix this personal blog with agency business, but once in a while it makes sense.

I'm proud to say that we are single-handedly leading America out of The Great Recession. How, you ask? By doing some hiring. Yup, that ought to do it.

We need some good people for our San Francisco office and I’ve been wondering, where can we find the most brilliant minds in advertising?

Hmmm...thinking...thinking...thinking....wait a minute...

Duh! Right here at The Ad Contrarian.

And it's so much cheaper than a headhunter.

So here are the positions we are looking to fill.
  • Creative Director/Group CD (2)
  • Junior Copywriter
  • Junior Art Director
  • Edit Suite Assistant
  • Account Executive
  • Account Coordinator (2)
  • Director, Brand Strategy
  • Data Analyst
  • Sr. Media Planner
  • Administrative Assistant
Here are some particulars:
Creative Directors: We are looking for 2. Each will direct the strategy, concept, and execution on 2 major accounts. Each will have at least one and perhaps two creative teams working under him/her. You need significant experience supervising the creative work on both brand and retail accounts. You will report to the Chief Creative Officer, and believe me, she's no picnic. Please, no aristocrats or brand babblers.

Junior Copywriter: Write for all media on a variety of significant accounts. Keep your mouth shut and learn.

Junior Art Director: Same as above, only with crayons.
Edit Suite Assistant: Manage our video editing suite and assist senior editors. Make sure stuff doesn't disappear.

Account Exec: Assist in the day-to-day agency operations on a significant retail account. Don't complicate the shit out of everything.

Director, Brand Strategy: Help us create jargon-free, effective strategies by clearly analyzing business situations and synthesizing intelligent communication strategies. If you use the word "conversation" you will be fired.
Account Coordinators: Do whatever you're told. We need two of these.
Data Analyst: Try to figure out all the numbers our clients send us.

Sr. Media Planner: You need significant experience putting the right stuff in the right place.  You need to know new media and you need to be able to think of stuff we haven't already thought of.

Admin Assistant: Keep our president under control. Good luck.
If you are interested in one of these jobs, please do the following:

1. First, don't call. I'm sorry but we just don't have time to answer calls. If you call you will not be considered.

2. Send an email to jobs@hoffmanlewis.com. In the email:
a) state why you think you would be good for the job in fewer than 50 words
b) include a resume or link to your website
c) if you don't want us contacting you at the email address you are sending from, please provide an alternative
d) all emails will be treated confidentially
3. If you want to check out our website, it's here.

The Age of the Complicator, Part 3, is coming soon.