The brilliant readers of The Ad Contrarian have decided that among 20 famous dead people the one least likely to have had a Twitter account is Eleanor Roosevelt. Most likely was Andy Warhol, followed closely by Marilyn Monroe.
Would this person have had a Twitter account?TAC Predicts:
Andy Warhol --------- 73%
Marilyn Monroe ------71%
Princess Di ------------61%
John Belushi ----------56%
Hitler------------------ 50%
Elvis ------------------ 46%
Cleopatra -------------45%
JFK --------------------45%
Lenny Bruce ----------38%
Kurt Cobain---------- 35%
Freud ------------------34%
Karl Marx -------------31%
Joan of Arc ------------29%
Billie Holiday ---------27%
Marcel Proust -------- 24%
Einstein ---------------20%
Jackie Robinson -----19%
Churchill ------------- 18%
Gandhi ----------------18%
Eleanor Roosevelt ---10%
The lamest Academy Awards show ever tonight. And that's not easy. Thank goodness I'll be on an airplane.
Always Remember:
What is the aptitude these people are being glorified for? Pretending. They're good at pretending.