Drum roll, please...
Target the heavy user, stupid.
It is a simple idea that so few clients and agencies understand. The heavy user* in your category usually...
- ...represents only about 30% of the customers, but
- ...probably represents about 70% of money spent in the category
- ...probably represents most if not all the profit in the category
- ...is no more expensive to reach than a light user
- ...but can be worth 10 or more light users
- ...is the key to success
Don't forget:
Key strategies for targeting the heavy user are explained in The Ad Contrarian book.
Revealed tomorrow:
How to target the light user and lose lots of money.
"Unknown secret"
I know it's a redundancy, smartass.
* By "heavy user" we mean the person who spends lots of money in your category. And, by the way, what other blog gives you footnotes? Name one.