A revealing study of Twitter users was published last week by Harvard Business Publishing. Before I give you the link, take this little quiz derived from the study and see how you do.
1. Among Twitter users, the median number of lifetime tweets per user is:
a. 12. In a typical social network, the top 10% of users account for 30% of total activity. The top 10% of Twitter users account for what percent of total activity?
b. 55
c. 600
d. 2,800
a. 5%3. How much more likely is a man to follow another man, rather than a woman?
b. 45%
c. 70%
d. 90%
a. Less likely4. How much more likely is a woman to follow another woman, rather than a man?
b. About the same
c. 30% more likely
d. 100% more likely.
a. Less likelyYou can find the answers here.
b. About the same
c. 30% more likely
d. 100% more likely.
You can find the study at Harvard Business Publishing.
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