May 05, 2015

"Marketers Are From Mars..." Breaks Amazon

Well, yesterday was quite a day here at The Ad Contrarian World Headquarters.

We launched my new book "Marketers Are From Mars, Consumers Are From New Jersey." By early afternoon, it had become the 3rd best-selling advertising book at Amazon.

 It had also been selected as the #1 "Hot New Release."

And then Amazon fell apart. People trying to buy the book found that Amazon was telling them it was "currently unavailable." According to Amazon, 18 hours later, it is still "currently unavailable."

Here are my theories:

1. Jeff Bezos got drunk at lunch and no one else knows where the bubble wrap is...


2. Demand was so great, the world ran out of paper...


3. Malcolm Gladwell couldn't stand being challenged for the #1 spot and sent his vicious goons from The New Yorker over to destroy the printing presses. I'll get that little fucker.


4. I got screwed by technology again.

Well, whatever the hell it is, according to CreateSpace, Amazon's publishing arm, the "tech team is working on it" -- god help us all. With any luck it will be available again before Hillary's second term. 

If you tried to buy it and failed, please try again. You can leave your email address on the book's page and Jeff will send it to you when he sobers up. 

If you're one of the wonderful people who was able to buy the book, I hope you'll enjoy it. And if you haven't been over to check it out at Amazon yet...WTF?

UPDATE: Availability is back at Amazon.