There is no describing the stupidity of some people.
While there are imbeciles in every field and at every level, for some reason marketing and advertising seem to attract a disproportionate share of them. And of all the disciplines within advertising and marketing, social media seems to be the one these people gravitate to.
In a completely inexplicable display of ineptitude and injudiciousness some idiot at the food website Epicurious sent out the following tweets:
In honor of Boston and New England, may we suggest: whole grain cranberry scones!and
Boston, our hearts are with you. Here's a bowl of breakfast energy we could all use to start todayYes, the advertising and marketing industries have been guilty of stupidity, insensitivity, and just plain cluelessness for years. But social media maniacs have taken brainlessness to a new level.
This is a display of stupidity that transcends the periodic attempts of marketers to cash in on tragedy. This is sickening and inexcusable.