April 25, 2013

Being Right And Hating It

Over three years ago, on December 28, 2009, I published the following post:

How About the "Terrorist Differentness Ecosystem Dashboard?" 

Regular readers know I like to divide the people of the ad world into two species: simplifiers and complicators. This also applies to the non-advertising world. 

I evaluate the potential efficacy of social and political activities by whether they are making things more simple or more complicated.  Generally, things that make the world simpler succeed, and things that make the world more complicated fail. 

This was called to mind this weekend when a God-inspired maniac tried to blow up an airplane over Detroit. Apparently this guy's father specifically warned officials about his son's proclivities just a few weeks ago. The warning was ignored. 

As I was reading an article from The Washington Post a phrase caught my eye.
"...Administration officials acknowledged Saturday that Abdulmutallab's (the maniac's) name was added in November to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment... maintained by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence at the National Counterterrorism Center..."
The "Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment?"

The list of homicidal psychopaths who want to blow us up is called the "Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment?"

Are you fucking kidding me? That's all you need to know about it to know that it will be a massive failure. If you wanted to, could you possibly invent a more stupid, complicated, bullshit name? 

Assuming the idiots who named this thing are the same idiots who are running it, it has no chance of success. None. 
According to Reuters,  guess whose name was in the "Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment?" Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Sometimes being right really sucks.