"...ranked watching TV... as their favorite media activity, (took) a 26 percent jump over 2008..."This trend was predicted here at TAC over a year ago by the brilliant Susan Bandura who, in a guest post entitled Will The Recession Help TV? wrote...
"Now that even The Wall Street Journal has admitted we are in a recession, everyone has run amok with dire predictions about marketing and advertising....Of course, all the brain-dead lemmings believed the "TV is dead" nonsense perpetrated by branding "experts" and media pundits, and put their money into expensive, moronic online schemes while, according to Reuters...
But what’s really going to happen to TV viewing in the near future?
Let’s see … everybody has a TV … people are staying at home more … consumption of entertainment usually goes up when the economy is down…
All of these factors say “more TV watching” as far as I’m concerned. Which means that TV advertising will make as much – if not more – sense than ever."
...Average TV watching per week surged... last year, with Internet-savvy millenials -- the generation born between 1980 and 1995 -- charting the largest increase...(emphasis mine)As we always say here in Ad Contrarianland, there's no bigger sucker than a gullible marketer convinced he's missing a trend.
Big thanks to Michael Gass for this