November 20, 2009

Gag Me With A Chopstick

Celebrity culture makes me sick. Businesses, and particularly restaurants, that try to trade on it make me doubly sick.

My family is headed to New York for Thanksgiving. We wanted to have dinner at Tao one night.

I went to their website to make a reservation. Here's what I learned on their home page:
"Tao New York is frequented by celebrities on a regular basis from Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Robert DiNiro, Beyonce and Jay-Z to Britney Spears, Madonna, Paris Hilton..."
I guess I'm supposed to go all vaporous because I might be in the presence of some overblown nothings who have contributed-- what exactly?-- to society.

Hey, Tao, never mind. If I want to see clowns, I'll go to the fucking circus.