November 16, 2009

Announcing The 2009 Bully Awards

The Ad Contrarian is proud announce the first annual Bully Awards for Achievement in Advertising and Marketing Bullshit.

In keeping with modern protocols, your job is to be "engaged" and "interact" with these awards by nominating your favorite piece of marketing or advertising bullshit of the past year.

It can be an article from a publication, a website, a PR release, an ad, a video clip -- any piece of communication about advertising or marketing -- just as long as it's bullshit.

A brown ribbon panel of bullshit experts will determine Bully Award winners.

Here's how to nominate something for a Bully:
1. Post a comment on The Ad Contrarian blog with a link to the piece you would like to nominate.


2. Send an email to with a link, scan, or description of your entry.
You may nominate as many stinky droppings as you like.

As entries arrive we will post some of them so you can see what your fellow Ad Contra's think is bullshit.

If you nominate a winner, you will receive the prestigious Ad Contrarian Turd d'Or, and a free drink next time you're in San Francisco.