June 08, 2009

The Twitter Quiz

Now that Twitter has officially changed the world as we know it (see Time cover) it's time to see how much you know about Twitter.

A revealing study of Twitter users was published last week by Harvard Business Publishing. Before I give you the link, take this little quiz derived from the study and see how you do.

1. Among Twitter users, the median number of lifetime tweets per user is:
a. 1
b. 55
c. 600
d. 2,800
2. In a typical social network, the top 10% of users account for 30% of total activity. The top 10% of Twitter users account for what percent of total activity?
a. 5%
b. 45%
c. 70%
d. 90%
3. How much more likely is a man to follow another man, rather than a woman?
a. Less likely
b. About the same
c. 30% more likely
d. 100% more likely.
4. How much more likely is a woman to follow another woman, rather than a man?
a. Less likely
b. About the same
c. 30% more likely
d. 100% more likely.
You can find the answers here.

You can find the study at Harvard Business Publishing.