October 01, 2015

Digital Hypocrites Getting What They Deserve

"Information wants to be free."
That was the moronic mantra of the digerati and the digital publishing industry.

When they were stealing content from newspapers and magazines and republishing it...
"Information wants to be free."
When they were hijacking intellectual property from artists and writers...
"Information wants to be free."
When they were aggregating other peoples' work and monetizing it...
"Information wants to be free."
As long as they could make some money from it, information wanted to be free.

Now that the greed, sleaze and stupidity of the online ad industry are driving people to ad blockers, information don't wanna be so free no more. Now "free" is "robbery"

Now they're telling us that there's a price. Now they're saying that in order to get all this "free" information we are not allowed to ignore the advertising. Yeah, suddenly there's a cost factor.

When they could make some money from it, information wanted to be free.

Now that their revenue stream is threatened, information wants to have a price tag.