August 31, 2015

Random Acts Of Punditry

Morons And Their Money
Anyone who takes data generated by online activity seriously needs to take a nice slow read through this article about Ashley Madison.

The author did a little analysis of the Ashley Madison data that was exposed by the hacker group "Impact Team." What she found was this -- of the 5.5 million reported female accounts on the moronic website, it is likely that only about 12,000 -- or about zero percent -- were real.

No wonder I couldn't get a date.

I Never Make Predictions, But...
I would be very surprised if three years from now every operating system for every digital device didn't come loaded with software to obstruct tracking and enable blocking of unwanted content. This will wreak havoc with online advertising and, in the long run, make it less pervasive, better, and more effective.

This Actress Is Very Funny

Awesome New Gimmick To Get You To My Website 
Starting today, we will be re-purposing old Ad Contrarian rants over at my business website. 

Every weekday we'll be going down into The Ad Contrarian cellar and coming up with semi-brilliant and almost-fascinating shit from the archives. 

Here's your link to even more Ad Contrarian goodness.