Every year or so I like to take a step back and look at a few key advertising, marketing, and media facts just to gauge how removed from reality we advertising experts are.
These data represent the latest numbers I could find. I have listed the sources below.
So here we go -- 10 facts, direct from the real world:
1. E-commerce in 2014 accounted for 6.5 percent of total retail sales.
2. 96% of video viewing is currently done on a television. 4% is done on a web device.
3. In Europe and the US, people would not care if 92% of brands disappeared.
4. The rate of engagement among a brand's fans with a Facebook post is 7 in 10,000. For Twitter it is 3 in 10,000.
5. Fewer than one person in a thousand clicks on a standard banner ad.
6. Over half the display ads paid for by marketers are unviewable.
7. Less than 1% of retail buying is done on a mobile device.
8. Only 44% of traffic on the web is human.
9. One bot-net can generate 1 billion fraudulent digital ad impressions a day.
10. Half of all U.S online advertising - $10 billion a year - may be lost to fraud.As regular readers know, one of our favorite sayings around The Ad Contrarian Social Club is a quote from Noble Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman, who wonderfully declared that "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts."
I think these facts do a pretty good job of vindicating Feynman.
1. U.S. Dept of Commerce, Feb 15, 2015
2. Nielsen Total Audience Report, 4th quarter of 2014
3. Havas Media
4. Forrester Research
5, DoubleClick
6 The Wall Street Journal
7. US Dept of Commerce and MarketingLand
8. Incapsula
9. Yahoo
10. Adweek