"...when brands lose their minds and go off the rails, their next move is usually to snap back to their roots. With that in mind, here's the kind of campaign I expect Pepsi...to come up with:
Concept: Happy, youthful people of every color from all over the global world are drinking Pepsi while the most expensive pop stars of every color in the global world are singing about Pepsi."Well, guess what? According to Ad Age on Monday...
Pepsi is preparing to launch a campaign, "Live for Now," that positions the brand on the pop-culture forefront around the world.Well, I'll be...
A Pepsi marketing exec said...
"When we look at what Pepsi really stands for, we've been an entertainment platform for as far back as anyone can remember"... As part of the campaign, Pepsi will partner with emerging entertainers or artists from a variety of disciplines...The initial spot features a cameo from performer Nicki Minaj...God, I'm good.
I went on to say...
This will all be tied into a mobile Facebook/Twitter/YouTube friend and download fest...The campaign theme will be Planet Pepsi or something else of equal globularity.According to Ad Age...
Consumers will be encouraged to tweet, "like" and pin items from the dashboard... Pepsi Pulse will also promote about 50 events and activities in markets across the country...If you didn't know better, you'd be tempted to think I know what the hell I'm talking about.
Anyway, it's nice to see that there are some marketing people out there who actually read this thing. No charge, Pepsi.