March 23, 2012

Author, Blogger, Pimp

I think you have to agree that I have been very circumspect, or circumscribed, or circumcised, or whatever the hell that word is, about pimping my book here recently.

Well, there's a limit to everything.

So today, we're going to do two things. First, we're going to remind you that 101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising is on sale for a mere $2.99 at Amazon.

You can read the reviews there, and if after reading the reviews the reviewers have not convinced  you to buy the book, I am going to demand that all the money I paid to those sons of bitches be returned.

Second I am going to send you over to AdPulp for a very nice interview that the great David Burn did with me about the book.

Then I promise, no more pimping for the rest of the week.