The Mile High City
According to The Daily, there are now more "medical" marijuana dispensaries in the city of Denver than there are Starbucks.
The Web Is Shrinking, Kinda
According to the website All Things D, when you remove Facebook from the rest of the Web, minutes of use of the web shrank by nearly nine percent between March 2010 and March 2011.
Unclear On The Concept
Last week, a 55-year old man participating in a motorcycle ride to protest mandatory helmet laws in New York was killed during the protest when he was thrown over the handlebars of his bike. He was not wearing a helmet.
Yeah, But What About All Those Conversations?
Social media is the best way to engage with consumers, right? Uh, not really. The website Coherent Social Media reports on a study by Razorfish that indicates that social media is among the worst ways to engage with consumers. Consumers rated email, websites, telephone, and even print ads above Facebook.
Teach Your Children Well
The Christian Science Monitor calls it the biggest school cheating scandal in American history. But not a single student was involved. Apparently, award-winning gains by students in the Atlanta, GA Public School system were the result of a conspiracy by 178 teachers and principals to cheat the system on standardized tests.
Sick Of The Click
According to Solve Media, you are more likely to survive a plane crash or win the lottery than click on a banner ad.
Dumbest Campaign Currently Airing
Coors Light "The bar exam." Feels like it was written by the cleverest guy in the billing department.
You Can't Escape Me
Be sure to catch my semi-brilliant letter to the editor in The New York Times Book Review section this coming Sunday.
Help Wanted: Experienced account director who has managed a franchise-based account (ideally, but not necessarily, fast food.) This is an excellent position with the potential to manage an office. The position is in the Pacific Northwest. Send an email to
July 08, 2011
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