November 25, 2008

Be Sure To Look For This Story

Coming to your local newspaper soon will be the following all-purpose advertising story:
Advertisers Punch Up The Punch Lines To Create Some Holiday Cheer

Consumer worries over a struggling economy, layoffs, and financial uncertainty have lead a number of major advertisers to launch humorous advertising campaigns for the holiday season.

Brand X, Brand Y, and Brand Z have all begun lighthearted holiday campaigns over the past few weeks. Will they be effective?

Marketing expert Bob Hoffman says, "In times of economic crisis, consumers do not want to be reminded of the woes around them -- especially during the holidays. They want a little fun."
Now, if the economy was booming, the story would be exactly the same. Only the rationale would change.
Advertisers Punch Up The Punch Lines To Create Some Holiday Cheer

A booming economy and widespread consumer confidence have lead a number of major advertisers to launch humorous advertising campaigns for the holiday season.

Brand X, Brand Y, and Brand Z have all begun lighthearted holiday campaigns over the past few weeks. Will they be effective?

Marketing expert Bob Hoffman says, "In times of economic growth consumers are predisposed to a positive, light-hearted approach to selling -- especially during the holidays. They expect a little fun."