October 23, 2008

The Living Dead

If you read the advertising trades, the mainstream press, and the online pundits, you know that advertising is dead.

Don't believe me? Check out the bibliography below. The People Who Always Get It Wrong are pretty certain about this.

I wish I was as dead as advertising.

It's not enough that just about every fucking square inch of the planet is covered in it, now we're finding new unimagined places to put it.

In the past week alone we read about 3 brilliant new ad venues:
  • Subway Tunnels: While their lives are being threatening by thugs with knives, lucky New York City residents will be able to look at ads in subway tunnels.
  • Inside Airplanes: Air travel isn't unpleasant enough, so now while some fat guy is sweating all over you you can admire ads plastered anywhere someone is willing to pay to put them.
  • Dentist's Chairs: While they're sticking needles in our heads, they're also going to be shooting darts at our brains.
Hope I'm this alive when I'm dead.

'Advertising is dead' bibliography:
Here, Here, Here, Here, Here and a million other places

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