July 02, 2014

The Obnoxious Belief In The Irrepressible Spirit

I'm getting real tired of reading opinion pieces and watching videos of rich, famous people telling us to do what we love. 

I'm sick of their smug assumption that their one-in-a-million success was the result of their irrepressible spirit. And that if we all just had the character and determination to follow our passions like they did, we'd be fabulous, too.

Most success is contingent. Either you're born into the lucky sperm club, or you get a break somewhere or, as in my case, one chance encounter changes your life.

But this bullshit that there is a place for all of us in the pantheon of success if we just believe in ourselves and don't compromise and pursue our passion gives me a real pain in the ass.

It's easy to say that in hindsight, when you're sitting on millions, and everybody knows your name.

It's a little different when you're a checker at Walmart and you have kids to support. Yeah, just quit that stupid job and pursue your singing career. You want to be a football player? Sure, no problem. Just believe in yourself.

You know what I'd like. I'd like to hear from all the talented, hard-working people who followed their passions and failed. I want to hear from the directors who are changing tires. And the writers who are cutting hair. Let's find out how they feel.

For every self-satisfied loudmouth selling this bullshit there are a thousand people just as capable and just as dedicated who failed.

As far as I'm concerned, all this amounts to is self-satisfied big shots patting themselves on the back and lecturing us on our lack of initiative.

You want to devote your life to doing what you love? Me too. Unfortunately I haven't found anybody willing to pay me to drink beer and do crosswords.