June 18, 2014

Online Usage Has Dropped 7 Times Faster Than TV

I'm getting a little tired of doing the TV industry's work for it.

Over in the UK they have Thinkbox which seems to do a very nice job of representing the TV industry's interests with relevant material like this.

Over here, the TV industry seems to be DOA and very happy to have online advertising eat its lunch.

Which brings us to today's sermon.

A few weeks ago I wrote that online usage was dropping at twice the rate of TV.  Numbers I've seen since then seem to indicate it's dropping much faster than that.

As usual, the advertising and marketing industries have it all backwards. And also, as usual, the trade press doesn't have a clue.

You've no doubt been reading all the bullshit about how the rise of mobile devices is killing traditional media like TV and radio. It's not. The medium that is suffering badly from the rise of mobile is its cousin, traditional online.

According to latest Nielsen's Cross-Platform Report, since 2011 when the use of mobile devices started to explode, internet usage on traditional devices has dropped almost 5% (from 64 to 61 minutes/week.)

Radio usage has dropped about 4% (from 173 to 166 minutes/week.)

TV usage has dropped less than 1% (from 306 to 304 minutes/week.)

You'd never know this if you listened to the bullshit you hear from agencies or the dreck you read in the trade press. They're still on the "TV is dead" nonsense they invented 10 years ago.

The result is that agency buyers will continue to shift money to mobile from TV, instead of from online.

And the clueless TV industry seems blissfully satisfied to let it all happen.