The advertising trade press is beyond redemption.
It seems to be populated by people who have never created an ad, never sold an ad, never stood before a client and had to justify what they've done with their money, and never demonstrated an ounce of skepticism about the bullshit they're fed every day by self-promoting hustlers.
The latest example is this slice of baloney from Business Insider, entitled
"Brands Are Wasting Their Money Hiring High-Priced Celebrities To Appear In Ads."And what is the justification for this immoderate pronouncement? Some nonsense about sharing of videos on line.
Apparently the author of this article thinks that the purpose of advertising is to have it shared on line.
This is in perfect harmony with the narrative that the trade press has created that the only measure of advertising value is in its online impact.
These people live in a bubble-world of urban hipsters and web-addled media types who have no clue that everyone else in the world just watches tv spots and doesn't really give a flying shit about sharing them on line.
They have no idea that in the pantheon of things pathetic losers do, "sharing" tv spots is in the 98th percentile.
In the gated world of intellectual emptiness our trade press inhabits, online chitchat is the measure of all things
These goobers have no compunction about taking a subject about which they know fuck-all and making grand unconditional proclamations.
"Brands are wasting their money hiring high-priced celebrities to appear in ads?" Really?
Tell that to Nike, amigo.
Okay, before I start getting email death threats from my friends in the press, there are obviously some very good and intelligent ad industry reporters. Some. Unfortunately there are a whole lot more clueless bozos. By the way, last time I criticized these people they did a nasty little hit piece on me. My readership doubled.