June 04, 2013

Land Of Linkin'

What do you do when you're too lazy to write a post?

Here are some links of interest
  • Cliche festival disguised as futuristic ad wisdom: Here
  • My ranting about over 50's confirmed by University of Michigan: Here
  • I'm shocked, shocked I tell you: "Research" done by online video ad company finds online video more effective than TV. Here
  • What are the best and worst times to post on social media networks? Here
  • Would you rather have the internet or a washing machine? Here
  • Google scheming to avoid taxes? Get outta here
  • Think it's easy? You try it: Vice-Mayor of Mount Carmel, TN driving 90 MPH with genitals hanging out window. Here
 Thanks to all the people who send me interesting links. I really do appreciate it.