June 28, 2013

Broadcast Rules: I Guarantee It

Some Friday frippery...

Broadcast Rules. I Guarantee It.
Last week, George Zimmer, founder of The Men’s Wearhouse, was fired as their TV and radio spokesman. This made headline news all across the U.S. and created a firestorm among Men’s Wearhouse customers. I’m just wondering, exactly who would give a shit if some online advertiser changed their ad campaign? Who would even notice?

And While We’re On The Subject
I was recently asked by the board of an advertising trade association to help them re-define their mission and purpose. In the course of our work, the president of the board asked the 15 or so board members attending a "retreat" to relate the first commercial they could remember. Almost half the members selected a commercial that was based on a jingle. While this is hardly a scientific study, I still think it’s startling considering that nothing in advertising is now deader than the jingle.

More About Apple
Last week, in a piece called Apple Has Nothing To Say, I commented about Apple's latest advertising effort:
"Apple was once the rebellious, ballsy bad boys of the tech industry. They knew how to build a brand -- you built it with persuasive advertising about excellent products. They have given up that ground and now sound like pompous, overfed CMOs... they have lost their voice. They no longer know who they are. And neither do we."
Apparently consumers agree. If you believe in this kind of thing, according to Bloomberg, copy tests on Apple's latest efforts were dismal.
"The ad scored 489 on the company’s (Ace Metrix) scoring system, below an industry average of 542 and far below past iconic Apple campaigns that often topped 700."
Once again I have to add the disclaimer that I have no idea what Ace's methodology is and whether it has any scientific validity (and I can't honestly say I have a great deal of confidence in any of the copy testing methods I've been exposed to.) Nonetheless, I find it hard to imagine that this advertising would be effective with consumers under any circumstances.

The Ultimate Love Seat
Gerard Streator, 47, was sentenced to five months in prison for having sexual relations with a sofa on a public street in Waukesha, Wisconsin. However, Streator's sentence was stayed and he was placed on one year's probation. You might say he got off easy.