There is a universe that a certain kind of digital marketing bonehead comes from that has a language of its own. It's a horrible language. It is hugely annoying, but it is unrelenting and it seems to be spreading.
It gives us compound words and neologisms that must seem terribly clever to illiterate nitwits, but make anyone with a sense of propriety want to commit hideous acts of violence. Some of the "words" it has given us are...
- Phygital
- Glocal.
- Tradigital.
- Gamification.
- Communiting
Well, get ready. I just heard a new one -- mocial.
No, I'm not kidding. In case you don't work at a second-rate digital agency and don't know what mocial is, it is apparently the combination of mobile and social.
Or moron and atrocial.
From what I hear, mocial is ready to explode all over the digital ecosystem. Be careful not to get any on your pants.
Mocial gives me nausarrhea.
My friend Jason Headley writes and directs great little movies. Here's one he just made that is hilarious.