Whatever happened to perspective?
There is so much bullshit-masquerading-as-information floating around that it has become impossible to get anyone's attention unless you take every little thing that happens and go hysterical about it.
Every petty fact or trend has to be embellished, embroidered, or exaggerated or no one will notice.
If unemployment goes up 1/10 of a percent, we hear that this is "the highest unemployment rate since December."
That was 3 FUCKING MONTHS AGO! Is that supposed to be some kind of historic development?
If a baseball player suddenly gets hot, we hear that he has an 8-game "hitting streak."
DiMaggio hit in 56 straight games. Let me know when this guy gets to 35 and we'll talk.
Several months ago I read a headline in The Wall Street Journal, "IPO Drought Hits U.S. After Facebook Debacle." Here was the drought...
"...the IPO market has officially dried up. The U.S. has gone three weeks without an initial public offering."THREE WEEKS! Oh my fucking god! Not only that, it's...
"...the longest drought in about five months."FIVE MONTHS! Holy shit! Pack the car we're moving to Canada.
One question: Exactly how many "droughts" can you have in five months? Doesn't a drought take some time? Just because you spill some fucking water doesn't mean there's a drought.
We are living in the golden age of bullshit and the thing that is driving all this bullshit is "communication." There is way too much communication. It's making us all stupid and hysterical.
We're tweeting and posting and updating and taking the most trivial nonsense and elevating it to "news" and "stories" and "conversations." It's not "news" or "stories" or "conversations." It's bullshit.
Would everyone please just shut the fuck up?