Today we're going to jettison some jargon. A good place to start is "The Conversation."
Are you sick of "The Conversation?" Do you want to take the next moron who says it and wring his fucking neck? Take a hammer to his long tail?
Good. I can see we're on the same page here.
So what we're going to do is replace this buzzword with a buzzword of our own. You see, cliches and buzzwords are horrible if they're someone else's. But if they're our own -- what the hell -- we're special.
The new buzzword for online "conversations" is going to be "G2G". Here's how it came about.
My funny -- and frequently annoying -- business partner, Sharon Krinsky, walked into my office the other day and saw me writing.
HER: Waddaya doin'?And so, here at TAC Global, "G2G" has become a happy buzzword for social mediaME: Writing.
HER: Your fucking blog?
ME: Yeah.
ME: Huh?
ME: What do you mean?
HER: Geek-to-Geek
It's simple, it's descriptive, and best of all, it's accurate.
Yes, I know g2g means "gotta go" in IM maniac language, but that's lower case. This is upper case.
Makes all the difference.