June 23, 2008

It's All About U

I never post on weekends, but I write on weekends.

So it's actually Saturday morning now. And it's probably one of the most unusual Saturday mornings in at least a hundred years. Why? The two major league home run leaders this morning are guys whose last names begin with "U" -- Dan Uggla and Chase Utley.

I want some of you tech and data geeks out there to scour the web and tell us if there has ever been another time in the history of baseball when the two leading home run hitters had last names that began with "U." First one with a reliable answer gets to accompany me on an all-expense-paid trip to a SF Giants baseball game next time he/she is in SF. Including beer.

Okay, get going.

One more "U" story. A true story about my mother.

One day about a million years ago, I decided to surprise my parents. I had moved to SF about 3 months earlier and they were living in NY. I hopped on a red-eye and flew to JFK. I arrived about 5:00 am. I rented a car and drove to their apartment.

I arrived about 6:30 am. As expected, they were sitting at the dining room table drinking coffee and smoking cigarets. There were hugs all around. Then I noticed it. My mother was wearing a sweatshirt. It said, "F_CK. The Only Thing Missing Is U."

Now you understand why I turned out this way.

What does all this have to do with advertising (WDATHTDWA?) Maintaining my contrarian status requires me to ignore the putative theme of this blog as frequently as possible.