So today we're having a nice light pleasant day in which no planners will be harmed, no fraudulent or corrupt online bastards will be unmasked, and no agency holding companies will be ridiculed. I know, it sounds a little creepy. But fear not.
Instead we will focus on the positive. In particular, the self-aggrandizing positive -- my most favorite kind.
Today we are announcing the launch of the Ad Contrarian Show a sporadic podcast focusing on some of my favorite blog posts over the years. I believe they make for a nice cleansing 5 minute break from the horrifying daily onslaught of bullshit we all subjected to.
So when you're feeling really blue, punch up the Ad Contrarian Show right here and I suspect you'll feel a lot better.
The second part of today's blog is to accept my elevation to the role of the "Copernicus Of Media" as bestowed on me by the great David Indo and Tom Denford of ID Comms. Each year they pick their ten favorite people and things in marketing and bestow certain honors.
It is with great humility (and a year's supply of Polish sausage) that I
accept this daunting, yet challenging responsibility.
Here's a greatly abridged version of how my coronation went down...
Next year I am hoping to be recognized as the Isaac Newton of synchronized swimming.