As regular readers know, once a quarter I make you pay for the glorious privilege of reading this thing by filling it full of brazen, unrepentant self-promotion (we all gotta make a living, right?)
Bad news. Today's that day.
So first, for the purpose of convincing you that the conference, convention, sales meeting, or, god forbid, "summit" you're planning doesn't have to be a suicide inducing cliché-fest, first up is a short reel of excerpts from a few of my talks:
Next up are some actual quotes from Amazon reviews of Marketers Are From Mars, Consumers Are From New Jersey.
"...I laughed, shook my head and wept for the industry that I have spent my career in..."So, now you have two assignments:
"...How much do I like this book? I refer to it almost daily for comic relief, brutal honesty, and "inspiration." This should be required reading at every advertising school in the country."
"...Hilarious and true! This is a book all marketers should read."
"...Bob Hoffman is my new hero! "
"...I'm ordering several MORE copies of this book as gifts for my clients."
"...Buy Bob's book. Read Bob's book. Lose 10 pounds of bulls***. Immediately."
"...This is the best book about marketing since - ever! Funny, entertaining, and the truth."
"...This will shake you out of your jargon induced coma."
1. Book me for your next conference.See, that wasn't so hard.
2. Buy the book.