June 18, 2015

The "No Stupider Than Any Other Father's Day Sale" Sale

I am kicking off the summer reading season with the best price of the century on the Marketers Are From Mars, Consumers Are From New Jersey ebook. For a brief time (hey, in geological terms 1,000 years is a brief time) the ebook will be available for only 99¢.

This is to encourage you to do more reading and less searching for naughty pictures of celebrities. Leave that to me.

If you need more encouragement to buy the book, remember Sunday is Father's Day. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but everyone else seems to think it's a good reason to badger you with annoying ads.

Also, let's not forget I paid good money for all these Amazon reviews...

5 Stars
Need More Bob Hoffman's!
  May 7, 2015
Years of successful experience are bound to include great stories that yield great insight. This book from Bob is full of them. I love his no-nonsense approach to business, advertising and life.
5 Stars
This will shake you out of your jargon induced comaI. Beavis, May 7, 2015
This is an excellent book that gives anyone in the business a good dose of reality. It is a quick read and Bob's writing is very entertaining. I laughed out loud quite a few times. You may not agree with everything Bob has to say but his no bulls*** message will have you questioning many of our business' perceived truths.
5 Stars
  May 14, 2015
If marketers would only listen to Bob, advertising would be good again. In a world where common sense is all too uncommon, Bob brings intelligence, wisdom and persuasion to bear. And makes the bombastic bulls*** ers look like the shams they are.
5 Stars
"I'd love to have these things printed in one place so ...
May 18, 2015
This book is a riot. By that I mean, it will make you laugh uproariously and might also lead you to punch a deserving media buyer or ad agency rep in the face. I check the Ad Contrarian blog daily and have often thought, "I'd love to have these things printed in one place so I can refer back to them." Well, here is that one place. All nice and tidy. In fact, if you have slightly larger than normal pockets, you can put this book in your pocket. I carried it around this weekend and read it during my kids' sporting events. I received strange looks as I burst into laughter at inopportune moments. I seriously want to buy Bob a beer. If you are in marketing, do your boss, your clients and yourself a favor and read this.

5 Stars
A marketer doesn't get his wings when you buy this book
  May 18, 2015
This is the best book about marketing since - ever! Funny, entertaining, and the truth. In other words, the opposite of marketing. 
5 Stars
Quit Kotler, have more sex.
May 20, 2015
I always leave my kindle lying around to impress people. So to have the latest Hoffman book at the top of my reading list, really made me look good. I not only sound smarter and handsome around women: my family and friends either wink or tap me on the back, without the need to talk about the book directly. It's that speechless acknowledgement of "yeah, we know". Co-leagues now include me in their power lunches, happy hours, and weekend golf plans, even senior management. Well, this book has been great to me. I will probably try to read a few pages soon, when all this beautiful girls stop to obsess over me.

5 Stars
Best Diet Book Ever Written.
  May 21, 2015
Buy Bob's book. Read Bob's book. Lose 10 pounds of bulls***. Immediately.
5 Stars
Can you handle the truth? Laughter makes it go down easier.
May 31, 2015
You could say this book is about how mergers and acquisitions have ruined the advertising business. Or it’s about the mass fantasy of the effectiveness of social media marketing, content marketing and online advertising. Or the utter failure of ad agencies and marketers to capitalize on the most lucrative market in the history of the world.
 For me, it’s really about the demise of critical thinking in our industry (what precious little there was to begin with).
Written by a veteran advertising writer and agency owner, this book is a smack upside the head for those who work in the business of marketing. It offers laugh-out-loud moments and refreshing common sense for fellow contrarians who don’t take themselves too seriously.
As a group, marketing people have been living in a delusional bubble, and the author is trying his level best to let some of the air out of it. Sadly, he concludes it’s not likely to happen. Because our industry already has too much money, reputation, and infrastructure invested in delusional thinking. But the good news is, this is a great opportunity for those who are perceptive enough to recognize it and brave enough to exploit it.
As the author points out, we’ve made great strides in recognizing and channeling the often illogical impulses that drive consumer purchasing. Yet within the communications industry we pretend to be personally immune from the same illogical behavior patterns. Recognizing you have a problem is the first step toward correcting it. So, with equal parts wit, sarcasm and brutal honesty, Bob suggests how we can—as he might put it—pull our heads out of our asses.
5 Stars
June 3, 2015
5 Stars
I smell a sequel
June 4, 2015
As a regular reader of Bob Hoffman's blog, The Ad Contrarian, I enjoy the comments as much as I enjoy Bob's post. Nary a column goes by that he hasn't raised the ire of the new age adverti and all their tinker bell fairy dust social media bs. Love the book and looking forward to the sequel.

 If you've gotten this far,  you really ought to buy the damn thing.