Here's to the bobbleheads.
Here's to the ones who sit at every meeting and nod in agreement.
Here's to the ones who never have a dangerous idea or an interesting opinion.
Here's to the ones who always agree with the highest ranking person in the room.
Here's to the ones who go to conferences and tweet out the banalities.
Here's to the guys and gals who start every sentence with, "The client said..."
Here's to the ones who think their job is to make someone happy.
Here's to the ones who have no questions.
Here's to the ones who agree with the last person they spoke to.
Here's to the ones who produce the biggest decks and the fuzziest briefs.
Here's to the ones who can't finish a sentence without "disrupt" or "engage."
Here's to the ones who know all of the platitudes and none of the facts.
Here's to the true believers -- the new kings and queens of the ad industry.
Here's to the bobbleheads!
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