March 14, 2011

If Advertising Isn't Driving You Crazy, You're Not Paying Attention

A little over a year ago my agency pitched an account.

The pitch process took 4 months, entailed 4 different rounds of presentations and included three different consulting companies -- one "search" consultant, one "fee" consultant, and one "production cost" consultant.

Halfway into the pitch process the ceo of the company got fired. They hired a new ceo. He had previously been their ceo but had been fired 5 years earlier.

One month after we got the account, the new old ceo fired their their president, their cmo, and about half their executive team.

Then they fired most of their marketing department.

Then they asked us to pick up some of the work their marketing department had been doing.

Then they asked us to hire someone who would work in their marketing department, but would be on our payroll.

Then they promoted someone else to run their marketing department.

Then they fired him.

Then they promoted someone else to run their marketing department.

Then they fired us.

Then, during the 90-day notice period, we got written feedback from the newest person running the marketing department about 2 spots we were finishing for them. Quote:
"Everyone is in LOVE with these spots...I'm telling you - there is some serious excitement from everyone... Pass on the love... great job!"
So I passed on the love. Particularly to the people who we had to lay off when they fired us.

Then, a few weeks later, we got an email from them asking if we would like to re-pitch the account.

I wish I could say I made this up, but I'm just not that good.