May 08, 2013

17 Mind-Blowing Facts About People Over 50

This is the first video from my new company, Type A Group.

To share this video, go here.


Earlier today I posted a different version of this video. It was called "19 Mind-Blowing Facts...".

Because the blogging industry has such a bad reputation for accuracy, I try to be very scrupulous about what I publish as "facts." I checked all my sources and I realized that I had lost the attribution for 2 of the facts. I searched all over my records and couldn't find them.

I know they were correct, but without the sources, I didn't feel right about publishing them.

So I took down the video, re-edited it without the facts in question, and re-posted. I know I now have bad links all over the damn place pointing to a video that is no longer there. But I'd rather be stupid than wrong.

I will try to find the original sources for the facts and re-post the original "19" version. Sorry for being an idiot.


  1. Do you have details of this research? I like mind-blowing facts, I also like to know where they come from

  2. She's 50!

  3. Is it fact number 12 you are checking? That would make me very sad, as it was the most shocking of all!!! :-)

  4. Yes. Lost track of the original sources on previous 11 and 12 and don't want to include them unless I can find the original sources. Bummer.

  5. Those car stats are pretty amazing

  6. Death by music and stats... maybe I'm too young, with no free time.

  7. Journalistic standards? From a blogger? I'm shocked. Could you please forward this post to CNN?

  8. Just as I, a Boomer myself, have always suspected: We were, are, and will continue to be the most important generation. Science confirms it.

  9. Great piece on the lasting power of Boomers- something every marketer should re-educate themselves on. Too bad much of this loses credibility due to lack of source citation.
    You should know better!

  10. This is a video, not a term paper

  11. But will those who become 50 by 2030 be as well off as those (of us :) ) who are already over 50? I think not.
