March 01, 2013

And Now For Something Completely Different

On April 1, I will be leaving my post as chairman and ceo of Hoffman/Lewis.

After a while, being the oldest living adman on Earth loses its allure. I have recently celebrated my 40th anniversary in the agency business. It’s enough. I'm bored.

When you're young you can make excuses for being bored: you need the money, or it's only temporary, or soon you'll be moving up. At my age there's no excuse. The only explanation is laziness.

Over time, a ceo's responsibilities can become substantially ceremonial. I have no appetite or aptitude for that.

It’s time to reevaluate my professional life -- that’s fancy businessguy code for “do something different.”

I intend to continue writing and speaking and whining about advertising. Maybe do some consulting. Also, I have some new business things I’m kicking around. And I understand there’s an opening at the Vatican. I always wanted a helicopter.

But first I’m going to take some time and wander around aimlessly. It's finally an undertaking I feel I can excel at.

There aren’t too many successful second acts in adland and I’m lucky to have one. This blog and the books it has spawned have made my last six years a lot more interesting and a lot more fun (by the way, if you haven’t bought 101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising I can’t guarantee your safety.)

While I’ve always tried to speak the truth on this blog, there has been a certain amount I have had to withhold. Without the livelihoods of others at stake, I now expect the blog will be what it has always been, only with a lot more f-bombs.

Also, I intend to make a few little content tweaks. From now on the blog will be written in Swedish and consist mainly of 30-minute chicken recipes.

Love always…


  1. In Swedish while getting a swedish massage I presume?

  2. Vincent: Oh, fuck. What'cha gonna do, man?
    Jules: Well, that's what I've been sitting here contemplating. First, I'm going to deliver this case to Marcellus, then, basically, I'm just going to walk the Earth.
    Vincent: What'cha mean, "walk the earth"?
    Jules: You know, like Caine in Kung Fu: walk from place to place, meet people, get into adventures.
    Vincent: And how long do you intend to walk the earth?
    Jules: Until God puts me where he wants me to be.
    Vincent: And what if he don't do that?
    Jules: If it takes forever, then I'll walk forever.
    Vincent: So you decided to be a bum?

  3. and with your departure, the end of a frivolous hope to ever work for you....

  4. Happy for you to have reached a point where you can know when it's time to change. I do wish you well, but want you to know that if you stop blogging here, I will hunt you down and beat you about the head and face. The interwebz are better for you being in them, even if you piss them off routinely.

  5. Bob, congratulations. You finished well. Thanks for all the advice and perspective dispensed here. I do hope you continue to publish, even if it's in Swedish. You were one of the main inspirations for starting my own blog. Buena suerte!

  6. So will they call you Contrarian Emeritus now? Enjoy!!

  7. Bob,
    Congrats on a fantastic career in this biz - looking forward to reading more from you for years to come hopefully!


  8. Tess Alps/ ThinkboxMarch 1, 2013 at 7:46 AM

    Happy aimless wanderings, as long as you share them with us still. And we'll try to carry on the marketing bullshit hunting in your name.

  9. Here's a suggestion for your next F-Bomb:

  10. Please, tell me it's an April Fools Day joke!

  11. Speaking as one of your Stockholm readers, I look forward to the Swedish chicken recipe.

  12. Having started my career on April 1st more than a decade ago (much more, fine), I congratulate you on your career and all the other shit I'm supposed to congratulate you for/about.

    I find that an outrageously expensive hobby is my favorite lotto dream, so I encourage you to buy an insanely expensive car (highly recommend the Aston Martin) and drive scenic America. Blog about it. It's the only way I'll ever get to do it. Live my dream, damn you.

    It's not selfish, mind you, it's simply suggestive. And fuck helicopters. Those things are dangerous.

  13. So excited. Can't wait to read what you really think...
    So much to look forward to and so much more of the world to explore.

  14. Yeer speer neer de yoop a doopi doop. Bork bork bork!

    (I, for one, support this new development. Especially the chicken. )

  15. bittersweet news Bob
    at least you can roam the earth that you have inspired many....
    count me as one of your loyal devotees

  16. Congratulations Bob. I didn't care about your job, i just want to make sure you don't quit blogging.

  17. This is profoundly disappointing. I don't like chicken.

  18. Assuming this isn't a joke, then congratulations. And if you ever need a job then don't hesitate to get in contact with the Starbucks on Tottenham Court Road - I've seen they're hiring at the moment, and the current baristas can't get my coffee right.

  19. "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."

    -- Dr. Seuss
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights and keeping us real.

    It's a long way to the top if you want to blog and roll...

  20. No no no. How can you be bored when this business is changing by the minute. We need you to stick with it, Bob. I've got 4 years on your 40 and can't even think about throwing in the towel. It's too much fun. Nonetheless .... Have a blast. I know we will keep reading you.

  21. An ad guy actually retires of his own volition? Good for you man.

    Keep up the anti-bullshit barrage though.

    Your work isn't done yet!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. You can't leave until you've hired and trained your replacement. Sorry.

  24. I guess now that you're leaving the agency biz behind, you'll be free to say what you REALLY think.

    Congrats on an amazing career.

  25. Bob, I look forward to only so many things.
    The start of the football season. 
    The end of the racket my neighbour makes with his power tools. 
    And your blog. 
    Do it in Swedish if you must. 
    Just don't stop being the Contrarian.

