October 11, 2012

Commenting Is Back!

We used to have a very vibrant commenting community here at TAC. But that died several months ago.

The reason it died was because of a crappy third party commenting system I used from an incompetent, unprofessional, bush-league software company called _______.

Here at The Ad Contrarian world headquarters, we don't think it's right to pick on people who are stupid and incompetent. Unless they're stupid and incompetent and take your money and refuse to stand by their product.

Well, thankfully, after months of trying to rid my blog of their crappy code, and months of dealing with feckless, unresponsive, lying dogs, I have finally gotten their garbage off this blog and have defaulted to the Blogger commenting system (thank you, Jon Suson.)

The unfortunate thing is that the clowns at _____ have years of comments from this blog somewhere on their servers and I need to get them to release them to me so I can put them back into the blog commenting archives. Which is another way of saying that they have me by the identical twins. Which is why I am not revealing their name. Instead I am threatening them. If I get my comments, I'll swallow my bile. If not, they're in for trouble.

But let's forget the recriminations, and celebrate the fact that you can once again leave comments telling me what a Luddite dinosaur I am, how foolish my opinions are, and how I just don't get it. I've kinda missed that.

Oh, and one more thing. Did I mention that ____ sucks?


  1. Hooray! It has been missed.

  2. Can't wait until you can name the company...they sound more useless than advertising on Facebook!

  3. Just like those _____ at _____ to pull a stunt like that. It reminds me of the time when _____ tried to _____ me and leave me up the _____ without a _____ when I was on deadline. And that's the _____!

  4. Ha, thought I had a funny comment but I'll leave it to Tim. Welcome back to "engagement" you old dinosaur. ;)

  5. Hooray! I can continue attempting to sound smarter than I really am! Good to have this back. I hope _______ gets its shit together for you, Bob. For once.

  6. Thank goodness-- this whole idea of Bob just ranting all is his own with no recriminations from the rest of us --did not sit well!

  7. Can we please have a rant on big data?
